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3 Ways To Fix Scratched PS2 Games - At one time or another, there will be a point where we will have to fix our video game disc. This may be due to our rough use, our friend's rough use, whatever. A scratched game disc will be quite irritating to play with and the PS2 may not even read it. So, let's begin.

Using Toothpaste

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

Take a small amount of toothpaste and lay it on your preferred disc.

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

Apply the paste on the disc in a circular pattern. Remember this as the friction the circular motion creates results in the removal of scratches.

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

After about 10 minutes, wash the disc thoroughly with cold water.

Using a Banana

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

Take the banana and apply it on the disc in a circular motion.

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

After 4-6 minutes, wash the disc with cold water.

Using a Deodorant

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

Apply your deodorant all around the disc. Be careful, as too much deodorant can cause damage to the layers of the disc and the PS2 laser won't be able to take all that damage.

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

Immediately rub the disc slowly with a clean, soft cloth. Don't rub too hard as it may end up leaving patches on the disc.

3 Ways to Fix Scratched PS2 Games

Depending on what deodorant you are using, the disc may be destroyed, beyond your reach or repaired. And voila! That's how you remove scratches.

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