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3 Ways To Stop Playing Video Games - Video games are a fun pastime enjoyed by people of all ages. If played too much, however, they can begin to consume your time and attention, and even have the potential to become a harmful obsession. Overcoming a gaming addiction isn’t easy, but it can be done, as long as you’re able to find productive ways to fill the void that the absence of video games leaves in your life. It also won’t hurt to have an honest outlook on the severity of the problem, a healthy dose of self-discipline, and a support system in the form of your closest friends and family.

Forcing Yourself to Play Less

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Make a commitment to stop playing video games. You’re not going to get anywhere if deep down you don’t really want to stop. The first thing you need to do is acknowledge that you've been playing video games more than you think you should. Once you’ve done that, the measures you take to win back control will actually have a shot at being successful.

Making up your mind to quit gaming (or at least cut way back) is a lot less difficult if you consider the ways it’s negatively impacting you. Think about how much time and energy you sacrifice to your habit, and how that sacrifice has stolen the enjoyment from other aspects of your life.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Give yourself a strict time limit when you do play. Note approximately how long you spend in front of the screen each day and make it a point to log off an hour early. If the thought of losing a whole hour doesn’t sit well with you, start with half an hour or even 20 minutes and gradually decrease your play time as you get more comfortable until you no longer feel the need to play at all. This kind of progressive reduction will make it easier for you to adjust.

Use the timer on your smartphone to keep track of how long you’ve been playing and alert you when your allotted time is up.

If you’re a PC gamer, you can even set your computer to shut itself down at a specified time, which may be helpful if you’re not sure you can pull the plug on your own.

It could take weeks or even months to taper off your daily play time, and that's okay. The important thing is that you stick with it and fight the impulse to play for longer than your predetermined time frame.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Have your friends or family help enforce your self-imposed time limit. Tell a parent or a responsible sibling or roommate about your desire to play less (and eventually stop altogether). Ask them to check in with you every now and then at agreed-upon times to make sure that you’re staying on track. You may respond better to pressure that’s coming from an outside source.

Tell your loved one to be as firm as they need to be, even if it means forcibly turning off your console or hiding your gaming equipment from you.

If you often play with other gamers online or in-person, inform them of your intention to quit, as well. Hopefully, they'll be supportive of your decision, but if not, you'll at least be giving them a heads up that they may not be seeing as much of you.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Restrict yourself to only playing later in the day. Make gaming a reward that you give yourself for being productive and completing your important daily duties. If you always hop on first thing in the morning, you run the risk of getting sucked into a prolonged session when you should be getting ready for work, school, or other responsibilities.

It will be much easier to control your urge to play before you begin than after you’ve already started.

Be sure to apply your regular time limit to your evening sessions to keep yourself from staying up too late. Pulling an all-nighter will only make it harder to do what you need to do the next day.

Quitting Cold Turkey

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Think about the toll that gaming is taking on your life. There's a thin line between hobby and vice. Maybe your grades are slipping, your relationships are deteriorating, or your health has begun to suffer from spending too many hours plastered to the couch. Whatever it is, taking stock of the ways that your compulsion has done more harm than good can give you the motivation you need to leave it behind.

Freeing yourself from the grip of video games will help you overcome your depressive or isolationist tendencies, get more enjoyment out of real-world experiences, and make time for the people and things that truly matter to you.

If you've tried weaning yourself off video games in the past and it hasn't worked, cutting the cord may be your best course of action.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Summon the resolve to walk away once and for all. This is probably the simplest and most effective way to break a destructive gaming addiction. Just put down the controller and don’t look back. It will require tremendous willpower, no doubt. Over time, however, it will get easier, to the point where video games no longer have the same hold over you that they once did.

Anytime you're tempted to sit down and play, take it as a challenge to get stronger. Consciously saying no to unhealthy desires conditions the part of your brain that's responsible for regulating self-control.

This approach may be simple, but it’s not easy. It all goes back to making a purposeful commitment to not be a slave to your urges.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Put your gaming equipment away where you can't easily get to it. Box up your console and games and stow them in the attic or basement, on a high shelf in your closet, or in another spot that’s not readily accessible. It’s much easier to give something up for good if it’s not staring you in the face all the time.

Actually make it hard for yourself. Bury your console under a pile of boxes in the garage, put it in the trunk of your car, or take it apart and hide each component in a different place. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself away.

If you do most of your gaming on the computer, uninstall addictive programs from your hard drive and delete any accounts you have for online games. Then, make an effort to police yourself when using your computer in the future.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Consider giving away your games and gaming systems. Hand your gear down to a younger sibling, or donate them to a thrift store or charitable organization so that someone less fortunate can have a chance to enjoy them. Not only is this a generous act, it also helps you meet your goals. You can’t spend too much time playing a game that you don’t own!

You can also sell newer systems and titles back to stores that accept used games and put the money you get towards other hobbies or pastimes.

Delete downloaded games from your console or device to reduce the temptation that you might feel to play them if they’re just sitting there.

Finding Other Activities to Replace Video Games

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Try doing other things to get your mind off of gaming. As soon as you start to feel the itch, look for something that you can do right away to combat your craving. You might go out for a leisurely walk outdoors, lift weights, take up painting, put on one of your favorite albums, or help out with chores around the house. Anything you can do to distract yourself from your overwhelming desire to play will make a difference.

Let yourself get absorbed in the world around you the way you would a good game. After all, reality is the most impressive game there is, with fully interactive environments, unlimited opportunities for exploration, endless dialogue options, and the most lifelike graphics engine to date.

As you explore your interest in other pursuits, you’ll likely discover that your urge to play video games gets weaker and weaker.

Do your best to be present with whatever you decide to do. It won’t do much good if you’re just thinking about gaming the whole time.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Channel your energy into real life games. Rather than sinking countless hours into becoming a joystick all-star, get your friends together and organize a game of football, baseball, or soccer. While real games and sports tend to be much more difficult to master than their virtual counterparts, they're also frequently more rewarding, as they provide a convenient outlet for social interaction, build character, and promote positive values like fairness, determination, and resilience.

Many of the online games that people waste so much time on are based on real games that you can play almost anywhere, like billiards, golf, darts, bowling, and poker.

If you have a knack for a certain game or sport, you might even consider trying out for a team and taking your talents to the next level.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Take up LARPing. LARPing, or "Live Action Role Playing," is a type of role playing game where real people portray fictional characters, freely acting out quests, battles, and other exciting situations. If fantasy RPGs and action-adventure titles are your drug of choice, pledging your sword to a LARPing community can be a good way to indulge in your love of all things fantasy while allowing you to be outside, meet new people, and get some exercise.

To find a LARPing group near you, run a search for "LARP" plus the name of your town, city, or province. You may be surprised at how many people there are in your area who enjoy the activity.

LARPers are encouraged to create original characters with unique traits and backstories, make their own armor and weapons, and lend a hand with duties like scheduling meet-ups and scouting for locations. All of these things will take up time that you might otherwise devote to gaming.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Read some good fiction. Reading offers an experience similar to gaming—in some ways, it’s even better. When you sit down with a novel, you give yourself permission to get lost in a compelling story. Unlike video games, though, you also have the ability to shape, color, and develop the characters and events of a book any way you like using the power of your imagination.

Look for novelizations of popular video game franchises to enjoy your favorite characters and stories in a more productive way. There are official novelizations for all sorts of games, including Bioshock, Uncharted, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Halo, and Assassin’s Creed.

Reading comes with a host of cognitive benefits, including faster mental processing, increased focus and attention span, and improved vocabulary skills. This means that you’ll actually be training your mind while you entertain yourself.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Focus on your social life. One of the reasons gaming is so addictive is because of its social element. For this reason, it may help to trade in your digital gaming community for real flesh-and-blood companions, like your friends, family, classmates, or coworkers. You might find that you get just as much satisfaction from being with them as you did from gaming, if not more.

Put the dedication, persistence, problem-solving skills you’ve acquired from gaming into dating. Few games can compare to the dizzying excitement of sparking a new relationship.

Other ways to become more social include joining a club related to one of your hobbies or interests, getting involved in community service, starting a band, or simply making more of an effort to communicate with the people you encounter day-to-day.

3 Ways to Stop Playing Video Games

Join an online gaming community. If gaming is your passion, you may be understandably reluctant to walk away from the scene altogether. Instead, seek out video game forums and social media groups as an alternative way to stay engaged with your hobby. Becoming a member of one of these communities will let you keep your finger on the pulse of the gaming world without devoting as much time to actually playing.

You’ll find lots of like-minded gamers to connect with in places like Twitch, Reddit, Twitter, and even YouTube.

Let your online friends know that you’re trying to cut back on your gaming time. Chances are, they’ll understand where you’re coming from and act as a kind of support group. They may even be able to suggest other strategies for battling your addiction that you haven’t thought of.

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